Semper Iratius!

Semper Iratius!
Any guess as to what I just did?

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year~!

So, sorry I have not posted for a bit, but I was under the weather with a little touch of the flu. I did get better though.
It is just a few days now before I head out to Iraq, and I am enjoying every minute with my family.

My son discovered that he can fit into my ruck sack today. So I spent most of the day carrying him around the house. I am glad that he had fun. I still don't think that he quite gets the fact that I am going to be gone for an entire year (come to think of it, I don't think that I quite realize it yet either).

We are all trying to stay up so that we can watch the ball drop. This will be the first time that Nathan gets to watch the event, so it should be fun.

Other than that, I have had the opportunity to visit with all of my friends and family prior to leaving, so I am thankful for the fact that I have had the time to spend with them.

Tuesday--wow it has been a while since I posted--I visited with my friends from work at a little pub called Wolfies. Not a bad place, I got to see our HR manager kill a lady with her thumbs--hey the lady should not have spilled beer on her iPhone--and I watched as the hard hat guy from the village people hit on some of my friends. It was "Hold the Phone" awesome.

well, that is about all I have for right now, I will post again next year.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It is snowing.

I am glad for the snow. I have been hoping that I would have some before I leave. If anyone can figure out how to send it via the mail, I would love some.
Just finished reading the last issue of GL. so far, Blackest Night is the best storyline of the year. I cannot wait to see how it all plays out in the end.

Had a great visit with my friends this weekend. These guys are some of the best blokes I know. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to visit with them. I will have to post the picture of us all together. It is interesting to see how we have grown over the years.
I am also trying to figure out why my son looks like a cyborg in every photo I have of him. tis weird.

peace out homies!


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone. I now have approximately one week before I head out. The closer it gets, the more real it becomes. I am not really worried for myself, but for those I am leaving behind. I hope that they are okay while I am away. I know that they are strong, I just hope they stay strong while I am gone.

I had a good Christmas visit with both my in-laws and my own family. There was little arguing, and everyone had a good time. Nathan got several toys including a talking dinosaur nearly as tall as he is, a Hungry Hungry Hippos game, and a child's Snuggly. That way, he can still reach for things while he is nice and warm. I myself finally graduated from a disposable bladed razor to an electric model (Dwight, I am still taking the blades with me, you never know when you will run out of juice).

Santa was a real treat this year, from the jolly old man, I received cutlery, toothpaste and toothbrushes, clothespins and velcro. All of which will be useful over the next year. It will be an interesting deployment to say the least.

Laura made out well with new art supplies to assist her in her new business as well as slippers and a new blow dryer. I really hope that her art business takes off next year. I encourage you all to visit her website at...well, I will post that later as I cannot remember what it is at the moment. Need to post that at a later date.

The cats got hopped up on some holiday catnip today. Personally, I don't think there is anything funnier than a cat on the 'Nip' it almost makes me wish I was a cat just so I could know how much fun they have. Tika, my wife's cat for those who don't know, could barely stand. I tried some, but all it did was make me sneeze.

well, that about covers it for the moment, I'll be posting daily from here on out--at least til I get into theater.

Semper Iratius!


Monday, December 21, 2009

Time is slip sliding by

It is M-11. I looked at the calendar today and got a little gulp in the throat. I hate seeing time reduced to a visual medium, it is always too small to convey the amount that is available.
Oh well, besides that, I opened a bottle of Bicardi special reserve tonight. I was amazed that my local store did not have a wider range of Rum. I happen to like the taste of rum, and I wish I could have found something better. still, the special reserve dosnt burn as bad, but it still has the sharp medicine like quality that I don't like about liquor--not to say that I approve of alcohol-free liquor. I think the buzz is there to let us know when to stop. It is a type of moderation indicator.

I am very happy with all of the support my friends and family have given me. It makes me happy to know that I am more than a co-worker or an acquaintance. I will miss everyone, but hopefully I will be able to stay in contact with everyone.

That is all for tonight...1221091017

Sunday, December 20, 2009

First Post

Her is my first post. I promise that this will get more exciting as time goes on. I just wanted to use this to test the waters and make sure I could make it work correctly.
